Eco Tip – Put Up and Clean Up!
BIRD BOXES harbour fleas and other parasites from year to year. So if you haven’t already had a look in your boxes and done the annual clean, now is the time to check the weather […]
BIRD BOXES harbour fleas and other parasites from year to year. So if you haven’t already had a look in your boxes and done the annual clean, now is the time to check the weather […]
by Phil Chatfield A REGULAR reader contacted the Council when she found she was running low on the green, biodegradable bags supplied for use with food waste caddies. The following is their reply, which is […]
by Tricia Marcouse A NEW SCHEME aims to recycle most of the plastic bags, film, and pouches that are NOT accepted by the door-to-door recycling system, and to process these materials for reuse within the […]
RESEARCH BY the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) reported in March 20211 shows front garden greenery has grown by an area 70 times the size of Hyde Park since 2015. This increase in plant cover is […]
by Tricia Marcouse IN 2011, our government said it would phase out the sale of peat-based composts to the public by 2020 and for commercial use by 2030. 2020 has passed, and a new announcement […]
Looking at the environmental impact of fabrics and threads. […]
Around 80 million Easter Eggs are sold each year in the UK. Most are packaged in cardboard or plastic, generating around 3,000 tonnes of packaging waste. Cardboard packaging is readily recycled, but much of the plastic is likely to be thrown away.
This Easter, when you choose Easter Eggs, try to think about the packaging. Look for those sold without plastic packing. Most of the major manufacturers are reducing their plastic use, so there are plenty of options. Some have even introduced ‘Plastic Free’ logos on their egg boxes. […]
ACCORDING to a Zero Waste Week¹ report in 2018, the global cosmetics industry produces over 120 billion units of packaging each year. Many beauty products are packaged in materials that can’t be put into our […]
Can you replace plastic in your garden? PLASTIC is really useful in the garden, but it comes at a cost to the environment and wildlife. Luckily, there are alternatives and sometimes they are better for […]
Wasted or unused medicine is a serious and growing problem for both the NHS and the environment. And it is something you can help tackle. It is estimated that as much as £300 million is […]
Dr Alison Johnston, Caversham Bridge, 2017 (Editors Login)