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Eco Tip – In the bag….

by Phil Chatfield A REGULAR reader contacted the Council when she found she was running low on the green, biodegradable bags supplied for use with food waste caddies. The following is their reply, which is […]

Bridge the Gap

Ecotip – Eat Ethical Easter Eggs

Around 80 million Easter Eggs are sold each year in the UK. Most are packaged in cardboard or plastic, generating around 3,000 tonnes of packaging waste. Cardboard packaging is readily recycled, but much of the plastic is likely to be thrown away.
This Easter, when you choose Easter Eggs, try to think about the packaging. Look for those sold without plastic packing. Most of the major manufacturers are reducing their plastic use, so there are plenty of options. Some have even introduced ‘Plastic Free’ logos on their egg boxes. […]

Bridge the Gap

Reading Hydro Mural Competition

We reported on progress with the scheme to install hydroelectric turbines at Caversham Weir in our November edition. The Turbine House will adjacent to the footpath over Caversham weir (The Clappers). Walkers passing the project […]