Greater Reading Environmental Network
For a comprehensive directory of local environmental groups, see the Greater Reading Environmental Network (GREN) web site. GREN brings together groups and individuals from around Reading who care about sustainability, environment, climate change, conservation and planning issues.
Below we provide details of some of the groups working in Caversham to improve our local environment.
Transition Town Reading
Transition Town Reading is a community voluntary organisation that aims to create positive change through reducing environmental impact and dependence on oil. We run a range of community projects in Reading and the Greater Reading area that cover the key areas of Food, Energy and Waste.
Caversham GLOBE
Caversham GLOBE (Go Local On a Better Environment) works in all parts of Reading Borough north of the Thames, as well as adjoining areas along the riverside and into South Oxfordshire. It is an independent community-based group funded by donations. It is one of several GLOBE groups set up in Reading in the mid-1990s following the Rio Earth Summit.
Econet Conservation Volunteers
Econet is part of the Conservation Volunteers Network and aims to promote practical conservation through volunteers for the benefit of the natural environment and people of Reading area. It also aims to educate the volunteers in the principles and practice of conservation. In Caversham it works with the Friends of Clayfield Copse and the Friends of Mapledurham Playing Fields to maintain these open spaces. Monthly sessions are organised at each to manage the sites.
Friends of Caversham Court Gardens
Friends of Caversham Court Gardens aim to help Reading Borough Council in preserving the peaceful character of the gardens, protecting its fabric, plants and wildlife for all to enjoy. They raise awareness of the history and importance of Caversham Court and foster an educational focus on the site and the River Thames. Friends who wish to play a more active part are encouraged to volunteer in the gardens.
Reading Climate Action Network
The Reading Climate Action Network is a network of people and organisations that are actively trying to improve our town’s response to climate change, and the challenges this brings. It links the Reading Climate Change Partnership (RCCP) – which sets the strategic direction for the town on climate change, and the Reading Climate Change Strategy. This is really import for the town, identifying the actions that we must deliver to tackle climate change.
Reading Tree Wardens
Reading Tree Wardens plant, protect and promote local trees. They work in partnership with Reading Borough Council, local businesses and charities, resident groups and of course the general public – you!
They are part of a national network of volunteer Tree Wardens who are working to champion trees. For more information and for upcoming events please follow them on Facebook and Instagram.