Nicola Dominic 1963 to 2022
NICOLA, WHO was known to many people in Caversham and was regarded with considerable affection because of her warmth and kindness, died 24 September 2022. Earlier this summer she had enjoyed being one of the […]
NICOLA, WHO was known to many people in Caversham and was regarded with considerable affection because of her warmth and kindness, died 24 September 2022. Earlier this summer she had enjoyed being one of the […]
IF YOU have an event planned, please send details to editors@cavershambridge.org We need to receive these no later than the 10th of the month before the event for inclusion in the printed paper. Later submissions […]
IT’S TIME FOR the New Year’s resolutions: please put reducing food waste at the top of your list. Nine and a half million tonnes of food is discarded in the UK each year, with 6.5 […]
CAVERSHAM IS blessed with large public open spaces for dogs to race around. Within the town there are the floodplain meadows along the Thames, and a trio of grassland, woodland and scrub areas along the […]
THAMES WATER has been running some amusing TV adverts with a serious message in recent months. Every day they deal with around 200 sewer blockages, many of them the consequence of people using their toilets […]
THIS ECOTIP is based on a January 2022 report by Which? It can be read without being a Which? Member on www.which.co.uk/news/2021/08/cut-your-laundry-costs-by-100-per-year It offers the following key points. On average, switching from 40°C to 30°C […]
HEATING BILLS are falling for the summer months, but your house still consumes more energy than it needs to if everything stays on standby. It may only be a few pence a day, but it […]
LOADS OF organisations tell you to turn the room thermostat down to save energy and money, but we hope we won’t need to use the central heating for the next few months! There are other […]
THE MYTHICAL ‘average’ family is supposed to use 25% of their energy in the kitchen. There are savings to be made through changing habits. The big ones are teaching all the members of the household […]
COMPACT fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) used at least 60% less energy than old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs and lasted 10,000 hours. The newer Light Emitting Diode lights (LED) use up to 90% less energy than CFLs […]
Dr Alison Johnston, Caversham Bridge, 2017 (Editors Login)