Bridge the Gap

Talking Point – April 2024

SO MUCH IN our lives today is becoming extreme. Our climate has just given us one of the warmest and wettest Februaries ever. Keeping a roof over our heads has become incredibly expensive, with a […]

Bridge the Gap

Talking Point – March 2024

MY DAD, Jack Saynor, was a bomber pilot during World War II. He completed 38 operations with 10 Squadron during 1943-44, a remarkable number for a bomber crew at that time. He was shot down […]

Talking Point

Talking Point – November 2023

AS WE enter November, so our memories of summer fade, and we turn to autumn proper, with Bonfire night and Remembrance Sunday. We have just left October behind, the month for Harvest Festivals. The harvest […]

Bridge the Gap

Talking Point – October 2023

IN AN EARLY episode of Grange Hill, (a BBC children’s programme from the early 1980s), something that’s always stuck with me… Girl 1: “I can’t come to the party on Sunday, I’ve got to go […]