Our Corporate Information
Mr Philip Chatfield, Email: chair@cavershambridge.org (Contact me)
Company Secretary:
Mr Richard Harper Email: secretary@cavershambridge.org (Contact me)
Company Treasurer:
Mrs Joan Belcher, Email: treasurer@cavershambridge.org, Tel: 0118 328 2754 (answerphone)
Postal Subscription:
Email: treasurer@cavershambridge.org, Tel: 0118 328 2754 (answerphone)
Paper is published by: Caversham Bridge News Ltd, Church Street, Caversham, Reading, RG4 8AX.
Company registration number: 00818927
Telephone: 0118 328 2754 (answerphone)
Publishing Disclaimer: The Editors wish to make it clear that the views expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the board.
The Editors also would like to bring to readers’ notice that the inclusion of advertisements in this paper does not mean an endorsement of the products or of the services offered.