FOUR SWIFTS were seen in Thatcham at the beginning of May, signalling the return of these summer migrants who stay a few short months to breed in the UK. Swifts, Martins and Swallows are natural insect control systems for the summer months and make nests in and on buildings in this area. Swifts are the nicest roommates, creating far less mess than the others, but all need our help.
Since they nest in communes, the best way to expand numbers is to put up artificial nests in areas with existing colonies. This allows colonies to grow and provides some security against development eliminating nest sites or flight paths.
Please help identify existing nesting areas for these wonderful travellers. Sightings of swifts going into boxes or buildings, or sightings (hearings) of swift parties screaming around buildings at eaves’ height, should be added to Swift Mapper where you can also see if there is a colony near you.
Even more in need of help are House Martins. Numbers in England declined by 75% in the years 1967-2018. The reasons include changes to houses construction, since the mud thy use to build the nest does not stick easily to plastic soffits. There isn’t a super mapping system in place, but Reading and District Natural History Society (RDNHS) would welcome reports of sightings of Martin nests (mud or artificial) or of Martins collecting mud, and will share records with other conservation groups. Please send details to
Finally, RDNHS have a potential offer of funding for new swift boxes and martin nest cups to extend colonies in Reading. If you live near swift and martin nests, and would like to provide a home for more, please contact