Around Caversham

June 2024 What’s On

If you have an event planned, please send details to  We need to receive these no later than the 10th of the month before the event for inclusion in the printed paper. Later submissions can […]

Around Caversham

May 2024 What’s On

If you have an event planned, please send details to  We need to receive these no later than the 10th of the month before the event for inclusion in the printed paper. Later submissions […]

Bridge the Gap

Talking Point – April 2024

SO MUCH IN our lives today is becoming extreme. Our climate has just given us one of the warmest and wettest Februaries ever. Keeping a roof over our heads has become incredibly expensive, with a […]

Around Caversham

April 2024 What’s On

f you have an event planned, please send details to  We need to receive these no later than the 10th of the month before the event for inclusion in the printed paper. Later submissions […]

Bridge the Gap

Talking Point – March 2024

MY DAD, Jack Saynor, was a bomber pilot during World War II. He completed 38 operations with 10 Squadron during 1943-44, a remarkable number for a bomber crew at that time. He was shot down […]