March 2025 – What’s On

If you have an event planned, please send details to  We need to receive these no later than the 10th of the month before the event for inclusion in the printed paper. Later submissions can be included on our online What’s On, which is updated regularly. To see what has been added check:

Please note, you can find details of early years provision in Caversham, including baby and toddler groups here.

Caversham Library – 09:00-17:00 Tuesday and Friday, 13:00-19:00 Thursday and 10:00-15:00 Saturday. Regular events include:
Rhymetimes for the little ones – popular, so please book first! Every Tuesday at 10:15 and 11:15.
Games Club, Friday mornings 10:30-12:00. All adults welcome – refreshments!
Sit and Stitch 17:30-19:45, on 2nd and 4th Thursdays every month. Refreshments – come and be inspired.
Tel: 0118 9375103 or see leisure/all-libraries/caversham-library

Geo Café – Artists Against Homelessness, an ongoing and changing exhibition of art by local artists at Geo Café, Prospect Street. For each sale the artist makes a donation to Launchpad Reading. Open every day.

Mondays – Caversham Park Bridge Club – at the Milestone Centre,19:15 for 19:30 start. Phone Lin 0118 3348195 for further information.

Tuesdays – Rivarate Choir – Caversham Heights Methodist Church, Highmoor Road. 19:30 in term time. Enjoy singing together. For details see

Wednesdays – Caversham Writers – Welcoming enthusiastic hobbyists and aspiring authors alike.  Meeting weekly in person or via Zoom.  Free to all.  For details: or @CavershamWriter on Twitter (X)

Wednesdays – Light on the Hill Café – 19:30-21:30 at Grace Church, 119 Peppard Road, RG4 8TR. A wellbeing café for adults 18+. Come as you are for tea and a chat.  Please see:

Wednesdays – The Waltham St Lawrence Silver Band-Neville Hall in Waltham St Lawrence RG10 0JJ. 20:00 – 22:00. Free and friendly club for brass instrumentalists.  Email:

Thursdays – Friendly Over-60s Social Club – 10:00-13:00 at Milestone Centre, Caversham Park Village. Hot lunch, quizzes and the chance to chat.  Contact Cheryl at 07964750182 or Trina at 07477570541

Thursdays – Weller Centre Craft Group – 13:00-15:00. Be creative with friends. For details contact Pam Chatfield at Mobile 07986 905784 or Weller Centre 0118 947 5828

Thursdays  New Caversham Heights Bridge Club – 14:00 at the Caversham Heights Methodist Church, Highmoor Road. For details contact Duncan Knight on 0118 9475544 or email

Thursdays – Mapledurham Bridge Club – 19:15 for 19:30 start. Mapledurham Pavilion, Upper Woodcote Road, Caversham. For more information see their website at or email

Fridays – Warm Welcome Space – 10:00-13:30 at Caversham Baptist Church, South Street, RG4 8HY. All welcome, just drop in for free refreshments, including hot soup from 12:00. Tel: 0118 954 5353

Saturdays – Keep Caversham Tidy – A local charity dedicated to eliminating litter and improving public spaces in Caversham. Free to join and no ongoing commitment.  Families welcome!  Email, FB Keep Caversham Tidy

Sundays – Caversham Artisan & Farmers Market – Caversham Precinct, 10:00-15:00.  See

Sundays – Nordic Walk (or just walking). Free to all. Tel: 07931754096 or email Pat at

Sundays – Readifolk Song and Music Club – 20:00-22:30 in the Community Hall, Watlington House, RG1 4RA.  £8 admission for performances, £3 on singing nights. See

Tuesday 4 March Caversham Women’s Institute – 19:30 at Church House, Caversham. or Tel: 01189 475176

Wednesday 5 March Rosehill Ladies – 14:00 at St Barnabas Hall, Emmer Green. Tel: Sue 01189477570 or email

Wednesday 5 March – The River Thames in Canvas, a talk by Martin Beek – 20:00 at Caversham Heights Methodist Church, Highmoor Road. The Caversham Heights Society.

Thursday 6 March –  Life in East Jerusalem, a talk by Nick Papadopulos, the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel – 19:00, Wesley Methodist Church, 84 Queen’s Road, Reading RG1 4BW. For more information about the programme please visit:

Friday 7 March Bereavement Café – 14:00-15:30 at St. Barnabas, Emmer Green.  A safe place to find others who have had their own loss and can appreciate something of your experience. For further info Tel. Gill at 0118 9478772

Friday 7 MarchChazey Women’s Institute  – 14:30 at St Andrew’s Church Hall. Tel: 01189 470964, or e-mail

Saturday 8 March – Uffington walk (SU273843) 9.0 miles – 10:30 – Pang Valley Ramblers walk follows ridgeway taking in Wayland Smithy and Uffington castle before descending to Uffington village and return ascent to start. One of a programme of regular walks in the area – see walk is for members only.

Saturday 8 March Artists & Makers Fair – 10:00-16:00 at Caversham Methodist Hall, Gosbrook Road. Local artists and craftspeople display their work for sale. Free entry. For further information phone Jean at 07808 966928 or visit

Monday 17 MarchCAP money management four week course starts – 19:00. Christians against Poverty course teaching improved money management. Take control of your finances, avoid debt and become confident in building a spending plan and sticking to it. Greyfriars Centre on Friar St, Reading, RG1 1EH. Anyone interested in joining should email for more information or visit

Wednesday 19 March –  Caversham Horticultural Society AGM – 19:25, Caversham Baptist Church, The Annual General Meeting, where you can find out more about the society and how it is run for its members. For details, see

Wednesday 19 March – AI in Medicine in relation to Treatment of Stroke Victims, a talk by Dr. Kiruba Nagaratnam – 20:00 at Caversham Heights Methodist Church, Highmoor Road. The Caversham Heights Society.

Wednesday 19 March – Big Little Houses – Dellwood, The Laurels and Kentwood House, a talk by Katie Amos – 19:30 at Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square, Reading. The History of Reading Society – the talk will follow a brief AGM. This meeting is open to all, visitors are asked to pay £2 each to attend. See full programme at

Monday 24 March – Scams: how to recognise them and how to avoid them – 14:00 at Abbey Baptist Church, Abbey Square, Reading. Talk to Reading u3a by a NatWest Bank fraud specialist. Free entry, non-members welcome. See

Tuesday 25 MarchBereavement support Meet and Chat  – 11:15-12:15.  A chance to meet informally over a drink and chat with others who are bereaved. All welcome, no need to book. 3Cs Cafe, St John’s church, RG4 5AN

Tuesday 25 March –  The role of pets in ancient Greek life. A talk by Professor Emma Aston – 16:00-17:00 at River Academy, 7 Richfield Avenue RG1 8EQ. One of a series of free lectures for students and the public hosted by the Academy. Professor Aston will explore recent archaeological evidence to reconsider ancient Greek attitudes to animals. See for details.

Saturday 29 MarchFood 4 Families Drop in Sessions – 10:00 – 14:00  Ardler Road Allotments, Caversham. Food 4 Families are looking for volunteers to help with their allotment. If you enjoy growing, why not join their team of friendly volunteers?  Website

Saturday 29 March –  Exhibition of art works by members of The Ted Burnell Community Art Centre – 10:00-16:00. Church House (next to Waitrose), 57 Church Street, Caversham, RG4 8AX. Exhibits will be for sale (cash or cheques only), together with homemade refreshments and a tombola. Entry free.

Saturday 29 March  – Performance of Mozart Requiem – 18:00. South Chiltern Choral Society, at Greyfriars Church, Reading RG1 1EH. For more information, please visit

Saturday 29 March  – Medicine for the Monks: Medieval Monastic Infirmaries, Healthcare, and Reading Abbey, talk by Dr Ruth Salter – 14:30 – St James’s Church, Reading (next to Forbury Gardens). Friends of Reading Abbey –

Saturday 29 March  – Caversham Horticultural Society Spring Show -14:00-16:00 Caversham Baptist Church. For details, see


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